
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Green Thumb? Answer Garden!

Get up and move! What's your favorite form of exercise?

Today's post will take us to P.E. (Physical Education class) as we discuss the pros and cons of AnswerGarden. This platform allows us to work in a group and collect data at an easier level. My question posed was specifically thought up with a 5th grade physical education class in mind. In a class of different abilities, different levels of athleticism, and different likes or dislikes I found my question "What is your favorite form of exercise?" a simple (yet important) one. 

My point in using this tool was to analyze as a class the physical activity we do outside of the classroom and identify the health benefits they have for us. Something I found particularly useful with this resource was how easy it was to use. It also has either a 20 character maximum or a 40 character maximum which gives the students a chance to express themselves in a concise manner. AnswerGarden is free as well allowing access from any computer.

Although counted as a "pro" I would also count the character max as a "con" in a sense that it can occasionally limit someones ability to say something. So although it may be more convenient for the teacher it might not always bring the in-depth conversations we may want in the class room.

As a whole, this tool was helpful for my specific purpose. By giving me a fast, easy, and concise way to brainstorm I would be able together information about my students' physical activity without embarrassing or pointing out anyone in particular. 

  • UEN Content Standard: Physical Education Grade 5
    • Strand 3 Standard 5.3.1 ***Analyze physical activity outside physical education class, identifying the fitness benefits.
  • ISTE Standard: Global Collaborator
    • Broaden perspective, understand others, work effectively in teams.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 8 ***Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. 

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