
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Help is on the way!

Math can be a subject of frustration for many students, especially as they begin to learn more complex subject matter.

My solution for this problem was to provide the students with an opportunity to seek additional help.
After school math programs are common and can be very beneficial. Once you get it approved, what do you do next? How does word get around? How about we start with some flyers!

Click here to see my flyer!

Pros: Flyers can be a great resource when working in a school setting. From field trips, to book fairs, and anything in between you are able to get your point across in a simple and easy way. Also, if you want to save on paper just send it as a PDF file through email! I like the simplicity of it because it can draw attention yet get its point across with colors, pictures, and very few words. Another benefit is that there are many options for creating flyers such as google doc, word, and many more!

Cons: If emailing isn't an option flyers may take up a lot of paper and ink.

  • UEN Content Standard: 5th Grade Math
    • Strand Mathematical Practices ***Become mathematically proficient in engaging with mathematical content and concepts
  • ISTE Standard: Innovative Designer
    • I solve problems by creating new and imaginative solutions using a variety of digital tools.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 9 ***Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.

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