
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Dear Parents: Newsletter!

Each teacher is different, however, every teacher can agree that learning in the classroom is just as important as learning at home! It can be difficult as a parent to stay caught up with what is happening at school, one way to get around that issue is by sending home a newsletter in your students' backpacks.

Newsletters are a great way for communicating all kinds of information. Whether it be for the parent or the students themselves it's a helpful tool that every teacher should have in their tool belt!

Pros: Newsletters are great for many reasons. First off, there are so many programs you can use to create them! Word, and Google Docs are probably two of the more common and easier to use programs. Also, using a template can cut your work time in half. Newsletters are versatile and can be used for many different things and hold a substantial amount of information.

Cons: Printing may be considered a con depending on the amount of copies you desire. Also, it can take some time coming up with ideas and making them all fit onto one sheet of paper.
  • UEN Content Standard: N/A 2nd Grade. I focused on Language Arts (reading/Spelling) but didn't specify a certain content standard due to the purpose of the newsletter.
  • ISTE Standard: Creative Communicator
    • The ability to communicate with your student (and the student's guardian) will be easy and more frequent with this tool.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard No. 5
    • Use technology tools for communication for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

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