
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Once upon a time...

Today's post is by far one of my favorites!

The tool I chose for today is called StoryBird and has been one of the most fun and creative learning platforms I have ever used. It is an online work station that allows you to create your own stories by selecting different images and writing your own content. How exciting is that! The story I created will teach my classroom the importance of attitude and self-acceptance!

Click here to read my story book!

Pros: It allows creativity and gives you the opportunity to create a book that specifically covers your needs in the classroom. With this tool possibilities are endless! It is easy to use, all online, and comes with all the images you would need to create your very own children's book.

Cons: It took me quite some time sifting through all the options they have available. There are so many options for art style, and then even more options in each folder. This can make the creation process difficult if you don't know exactly what you are going for.

  • UEN Content Standard: 3rd Grade Health Education. Standard 1 objective no. 2
    • Determine the benefits of accepting self and others. Determine the benefits of having positive attitudes. 
  • ISTE Standard: Global Collaborator 
    • Broaden perspective, understand others, work effectively in teams.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 5 
    • Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

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