
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Queridos Amigos!

Hello! ... Or should I say HOLA!
This week we dove into a World Language class learning more about the beautiful Spanish language. This week's tool was the ever so handy Google Slides. Each day a teacher must provide new and stimulating material. However, its nice to mix things up and change your approach. This could be a great option!

Click here to see my Google Slides!

Pros: This platform is one of Google's many wonderful and useful tools. A major plus for this tool is that it is free, easily accesible, and can be stored on your google drive. It can be saved and accessed from any computer with a WiFi connection. Google Slides may become a useful tool in your classroom. 

Cons: It does take quite some time to make. There are templates which help, however, entering in your content, finding videos, and inserting pictures does take some time. Also, if you use this tool too frequently it can become boring in the classroom. Don't fall into a rut! Get creative and inspire your students!
  • UEN Content Standard: World Language- Spanish
    • Learning Indicator NL.IL.2 I can occasionally understand isolated words that I have memorized, particularly when accompanied by gestures or pictures.
  • ISTE Standard: Empowered Learner
    • I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them, and demonstrate my learning.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 8
    • Use technology resources for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. 

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