
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Timeline Tiki-Toki Presidents:

Welcome back!

Our post today is teaching our 5th graders more about Social Studies! We are focusing on the presidents of the United States. Our tool of choice today is the online platform Tiki-Toki. This tool was new for me however I was impressed by its usefulness. This platform allows you to create timelines for whatever subject you need. Like I said, choosing social studies, I created a timeline teaching about the first 15 presidents. It has a brief intro to the presidents on the timeline and if you click on the icons a screen will pop up telling you more. There is even a place to link videos or other materials!

Click here to see my Tiki-Toki

Pros: A benefit to using this website is its adaptability. Timelines can be useful in almost every subject we teach. It also has you create an account so you can save or edit the project you make as well as keep all of them in the same spot! Thumbs up for staying organized!

Cons: I feel as though this is a tool that would better benefit upper grade elementary students. It might be difficult for the younger kids to understand or navigate. It also takes a good chunk of time creating each timeline.

  • UEN Content Standard: 5th Grade Social Studies Standard 5 Objective 3
    • Identify leaders of social and political movements 
  • ISTE Standard: Knowledge Constructor 
    • Critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects learning and builds knowledge.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard 8
    • Use technology resources for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. 

Once upon a time...

Today's post is by far one of my favorites!

The tool I chose for today is called StoryBird and has been one of the most fun and creative learning platforms I have ever used. It is an online work station that allows you to create your own stories by selecting different images and writing your own content. How exciting is that! The story I created will teach my classroom the importance of attitude and self-acceptance!

Click here to read my story book!

Pros: It allows creativity and gives you the opportunity to create a book that specifically covers your needs in the classroom. With this tool possibilities are endless! It is easy to use, all online, and comes with all the images you would need to create your very own children's book.

Cons: It took me quite some time sifting through all the options they have available. There are so many options for art style, and then even more options in each folder. This can make the creation process difficult if you don't know exactly what you are going for.

  • UEN Content Standard: 3rd Grade Health Education. Standard 1 objective no. 2
    • Determine the benefits of accepting self and others. Determine the benefits of having positive attitudes. 
  • ISTE Standard: Global Collaborator 
    • Broaden perspective, understand others, work effectively in teams.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 5 
    • Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

Queridos Amigos!

Hello! ... Or should I say HOLA!
This week we dove into a World Language class learning more about the beautiful Spanish language. This week's tool was the ever so handy Google Slides. Each day a teacher must provide new and stimulating material. However, its nice to mix things up and change your approach. This could be a great option!

Click here to see my Google Slides!

Pros: This platform is one of Google's many wonderful and useful tools. A major plus for this tool is that it is free, easily accesible, and can be stored on your google drive. It can be saved and accessed from any computer with a WiFi connection. Google Slides may become a useful tool in your classroom. 

Cons: It does take quite some time to make. There are templates which help, however, entering in your content, finding videos, and inserting pictures does take some time. Also, if you use this tool too frequently it can become boring in the classroom. Don't fall into a rut! Get creative and inspire your students!
  • UEN Content Standard: World Language- Spanish
    • Learning Indicator NL.IL.2 I can occasionally understand isolated words that I have memorized, particularly when accompanied by gestures or pictures.
  • ISTE Standard: Empowered Learner
    • I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them, and demonstrate my learning.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 8
    • Use technology resources for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Dear Parents: Newsletter!

Each teacher is different, however, every teacher can agree that learning in the classroom is just as important as learning at home! It can be difficult as a parent to stay caught up with what is happening at school, one way to get around that issue is by sending home a newsletter in your students' backpacks.

Newsletters are a great way for communicating all kinds of information. Whether it be for the parent or the students themselves it's a helpful tool that every teacher should have in their tool belt!

Pros: Newsletters are great for many reasons. First off, there are so many programs you can use to create them! Word, and Google Docs are probably two of the more common and easier to use programs. Also, using a template can cut your work time in half. Newsletters are versatile and can be used for many different things and hold a substantial amount of information.

Cons: Printing may be considered a con depending on the amount of copies you desire. Also, it can take some time coming up with ideas and making them all fit onto one sheet of paper.
  • UEN Content Standard: N/A 2nd Grade. I focused on Language Arts (reading/Spelling) but didn't specify a certain content standard due to the purpose of the newsletter.
  • ISTE Standard: Creative Communicator
    • The ability to communicate with your student (and the student's guardian) will be easy and more frequent with this tool.
  • Ed Tech Standard: Standard No. 5
    • Use technology tools for communication for audiences inside and outside the classroom.