
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

You Learn, YouTube

Hello, or should I say hola

Today's tool is YouTube! On this platform you can upload your own videos, watch endless content on literally ANY subject, and create playlists for your classroom. The possibilities are endless! In today's posts we are going to discuss how I decided to use YouTube in a World Language class teaching Spanish.

1. For this playlist I chose to stick to the basics. Colors, months, food, you name it!I am positive you could find a video for it on YouTube. This particular video is directed towards a younger crowd and works well because it includes something that all kids love-- toys!

2. I loved these next videos. The YouTube channel where I found them covers several subjects from English to Spanish, even mathematics! 

3. This next video is one of my favorites and I can really see the kids enjoying the silly but educational video clip. Videos help kids stay focused! Break up your day-to-day routine with a quick clip. 

4. I wanted to include this video to show the different styles you can find as well. If you try a video for one class and it doesn't seem to work, try again! There are so many to choose from. This one is also quite a bit longer than the other clips I found.

5. Another way I could implement this in my classroom is by assigning the videos as homework! Don't have time in class? Just assign it for home and regroup the next day to discuss what you learned.

6. Some videos are less exciting than others however their simplicity could really benefit the learning styles of some students.

7. One of my favorite things about using YouTube is the accessibility to music in learning! Songs help with memorization of vocabulary, and they are a lot of fun too. 😉 

8. This video is specifically to learn food vocabulary. The benefit here is that you can take one particular point or objective in your lesson and find a video to compliment your other activities and routine. 

9. I included this video (also talking about food vocab) to contrast two different styles of videos you can find/include in teaching.

10. As you can see, its a nice change from the everyday teaching methods, and its easy!

Pros: This platform has many benefits. Its free, easy to use, and with a gmail account you automatically have access to your own YouTube channel. 

Cons: This site is a double edged sword. It can be SO helpful, but at the same time it can be distracting. YouTube has ads, and a sidebar that shows several other videos that might be tempting for your class to click on. However, there are age restrictions you can use to minimize the appearance of inappropriate content, and by using it as a class will also take away its distracting properties.

  • UEN Content Standard: World Language- Spanish
    • Learning Indicator NL.IL.2 I can occasionally understand isolated words that I have memorized, particularly when accompanied by gestures or pictures.
    • ISTE Standard: Creative Communicator
      • I communicate effectively and express myself creatively using different tools, styles, formats, and digital media.
      • Ed Tech Standard: Standard no. 8
        • Use technology resources for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities

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